Blog — immunity

Spring Recipes For Immunity And Fertility

By Dr. Anju Sodhi (Bams, ND) It's springtime and we have some ama to get rid of. During this season of birth and growth, some people are feeling the need to conceive children. The recipes below can help with conception but also nurture those without the itch to grow families. The reproductive organs are the last tissue in Ayurvedic nutrition to receive nutrients. They are the most refined and strongest organs that not only produce gametes but also the immune system. These recipes are made to nurture the reproductive system to support immunity, increase chances of getting pregnant, and burn...

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A person dropping their kid off at school

Back to School: Children's Mental and Physical Wellbeing

We are sure you have seen many back-to-school articles discussing immune health and protecting against allergies. However, has anyone thought about discussing mental health with their kids during this jarring transition back to school? Fall is a time for Vata energy to collect. It gets dry, cold, and windy, all Vata qualities. Additionally, changing from a lax summer schedule to a rigid one, such as the start of school, is a Vata event. This is a beautiful season, but if we are not careful to change with autumn, many issues that correspond to Vata can occur. Having a conversation about...

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