Blog — dosha

Skin Health and Ayurveda: A Radiant Path to Natural Beauty

Skin Health and Ayurveda: A Radiant Path to Natural Beauty

In the quest for timeless beauty and radiant skin, Ayurveda, the ancient system of holistic healing from India, shines as a beacon of wisdom in an era where there’s more skin tips than can possibly be implemented and are often contradictory. Beyond fleeting trends and synthetic cosmetics, Ayurveda offers a profound understanding of skin health, highlighting the intricate balance of our inner and outer worlds. The science and artistry of Ayurvedic skincare combines targeted topical oils, internal herbs, and dietary approaches for a unique approach to natural skin care. This approach is not simply holistic, it provides guidance and explanations...

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Two hands holding a cute skeleton and ghost cookie.

Fall into Trick Or Treat

As the harvest moon approaches, the season of fall is in full swing. The air is brisk, and the hours of daylight are noticeably diminishing. Often, we begin spending more time indoors, enjoying the warmth and comforts of home. We tend to exercise less and eat a bit more, usually, craving foods that make us feel good, temporarily; foods that contain increased amounts of sugar and fat. With Halloween right around the corner, it is important to avoid overindulging in sugary treats in order to maintain balance in mind and body. Similar to the autumn air, the qualities of vata...

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People of various ages with their arms around each other

Vata Stage of Life: What Ayurveda Teaches for Longevity and Healthy Aging

by Dr. Brian Keenan In Ayurvedic medicine, there are 5 elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Ether (or the space between things) that interact and combine to form the 3 dosha: vata, pitta, and kapha. These dosha go on to be the functional and corporeal interactions of life, nature, and by extension, human health. Moreover, beyond governing all aspects of life, the dosha are also responsible for the variety and uniqueness of life. This is said to be because these three dosha combine and interact in various ratios and at various levels in each living being. Simply put, this explains...

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Skin and Sinus Detox For Spring

The air feels warmer and the sun is shining brighter. As many people have noticed, the skin feels different than it did in winter, feeling itching, tight, or extra dry or oily. Winter is governed by the doshas Kapha and Vata. Cold, dry, rough, heavy, dense, slow, and cloudy qualities have followed us for months. Ama, or toxins, accumulated during winter start to move with the increased Vata energies of mobile, subtle, clear of spring. Without proper detoxing, these qualities can stay in the skin, despite the growing pitta qualities outside. With the renewed feeling that spring brings, we all...

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Preparing The Body For Conception During Spring

Notice the shifting of weather, the fluctuations between cold and hot, the days getting longer. Spring is breaking through! As this week is officially spring, we are reminded of new life and the budding of dormant beings. Men and women attempt to clear out the clutter of winter and the sluggishness the cold creates. The body feels heavy and slow but as spring melts away the fatigue of winter, many couples think about growing their own families during the season of growth. This month, we focus on fertility for the couple. Spring is a tridoshic time of the year. Vata...

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